Stream Management Program – Interactive Project Pages
These pages provide information on a selection of full channel stream restoration, stormwater and infrastructure, riparian buffer restoration, streambank stabilization, and floodplain restoration projects that have been constructed to meet multiple objectives including: water quality enhancement, infrastructure protection, improved flood conveyance and sediment transport, improved fish habitat, improved riparian functions and natural channel design demonstrations.
The West Branch Delaware River and its tributaries are the source waters for the Cannonsville Reservoir, part of the Catskill/Delaware drinking water supply system for New York City. The watershed above the Cannonsville Reservoir encompasses an area of 353 square miles with approximately 662 linear miles of rivers and streams. This predominantly forested and agricultural watershed represents a sizeable and challenging resource to comprehensively manage. Stream walkover observations and assessments suggest that the West Branch Delaware River has a tendency to become shallower and wider that is desirable due to increased sediment supply from excessive bank and bed erosion in the main river and its tributaries. While erosion and deposition are natural processes, many management activities can significantly increase erosion rates that in turn contribute to increases in sediment supply. These conditions demonstrate the need for comprehensive management and stewardship by all stakeholders.
Delaware Watershed Stream Management Grant Program
The Delaware Watershed Stream Management Grant Program offers assistance to local communities, residents, and organizations to advance recommendations from the East and West Branch Delaware River Stream Corridor Management Plans. Categories of funding include: Flood Management, Highway and Infrastructure Improvement, Stormwater Implementation and/or Critical Area Seedling, Recreation-Based Opportunities or Habitat Enhancements, General Restoration Projects, Education/Outreach/Training, on Watershed Protection, and Planning & Assessment.
USGS Gage Links
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) maintains 11 continuous-recording stream gages in the West Branch Delaware River watershed above the Reservoir. These gages measure the stage, or height, of the water surface at a specific location, updating the measurement every 15 minutes. Click on the Station ID number of your gage of interest to receive real-time water surface data from USGS.
Station ID | Station Name | Drainage Area (Mi_) | Current Period of Record |
01421610 | WEST BRANCH DELAWARE RIVER AT HOBART | 15.5 | Aug 2000 – present |
01421618 | TOWN BROOK SOUTHEAST OF HOBART | 14.3 | Oct 1997 – present |
01421900 | W BR DELAWARE RIVER UPSTREAM FROM DELHI | 134 | Dec 1996 – present |
01422500 | LITTLE DELAWARE RIVER NEAR DELHI | 49.8 | Jan 1997 – present |
01422747 | EAST BROOK EAST OF WALTON | 24.7 | Oct 1998 – present |
01423000 | WEST BRANCH DELAWARE RIVER AT WALTON | 332 | Oct 1950 – present |
0142400103 | TROUT CREEK NEAR TROUT CREEK | 20.2 | Dec 1996 – present |
01422779 | WEST BROOK AT AUSTIN LINCOLN PARK AT WALTON | 22.3 | Dec 2017 – present |

Click here for Stream Restoration Projects in the West Branch of the Delaware River Watershed
Stream Management Plans
Click here for Intro and links to Stream Management Plans
Delaware Basin Action Plan(s)
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2023-2025
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2022-2024
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2021-2023
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2020-2022
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2019-2021
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2018-2019
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2017-2019
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2016-2018
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2015-2017
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2013-2015
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2011-2013
Action Plan to Guide Stream Management Plan Implementation in the WB Delaware Watershed, 2009-2011
Basin Specific Studies
Stream Maintenance Pilot Program for Removal of Selected Gravel Deposits
Delaware County Community Mapping Tool
Delaware County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Thesis on Alternative Futures For Headwater Stream and Wetland Landscapes in the Upper Delaware Basin, New York, 2009
Contact Information
Delaware County SWCD • Larry Underwood: 607-865-5223
NYC DEP Stream Management • Beth Reichheld: 845-340-7838
Delaware County Planning • Shelly Johnson: 607-746-2944
Watershed Agricultural Council • Ryan Naatz: 607-865-7790
Click here for Delaware Riverkeeper
Additional Links
Delaware County Community Mapping Tool: https://spatial.vhb.com/comit/
Delaware County All Hazard Mitigation Plan: https://delaware.mitigateny.org/